I would like to take this opportunity to share with you a summary of the DCT activities for the last 12 months. Outside of a couple of small incidental donations to local community initiatives in the Rotorua region, the main recipients were as follows.
- Outward Bound is the main recipient of funds, across the Hirenga Course for year 12 students from low decile schools, and also through the inaugural Para-athlete course that was held in February 2024.
- Outward Bound continue their commitment to ensuring that the OB experience is available to participants from all demographics and ethnicities. Search for premises in the Coromandel area to cater to the large NI population area continues, and the relocation of the OB head Office from Wellington to Auckland has enabled consistent and ongoing access to the all important donor and grant platforms.
- Anakiwa continues to be the flagship for the OB experience in NZ, offering not only the traditional classic three week courses, but a raft of other opportunities that cater to many . Here is a link to the website that showcases many of the different courses currently available. https://www.outwardbound.co.nz/courses/course-finder/
- I was privileged to visit Arusha for the first time in over four years in September, 2023. It was heartening to see the real sense of ‘Family’ around the ACE community, after 14 years in operation, with many of the graduated and self sustaining pupils still keeping regular contact with Blandina, Tusime, and other graduated and current students.
- The programme is now in wind down stage, which means the fulfilment of education possibilities for those still in the programme, but without taking on any new participants. This will continue over the next 5 year period. The report attached has more specific details. The dedication of Blandina (now part-time) to ensure the well being of ACE students continues to be a vital contributor to the success of the programme.
- The Wheelchair Rugby Community is a good example of how sport can build connections, no matter the community, ability, or disability. The culture within this community is humbling, across all the volunteers (referees, officials, administration etc) to the participants themselves, all of whom have a considerable story or life experience as to why they are in a chair. The opportunity also for peripheral community spirit and connection amongst family, friends and supporters fits in well with the DCT ethos of equal opportunity for all.
- DCT has been involved in the support of Wheelchair Rugby through two main areas for the Wheel Blacks – the NZ representative side for NZWCR.
- Provision of Video analysis equipment – this has enabled detailed analysis of games post match, along with the ability to study closely other teams, and best options for game strategy.
- Cultural Expansion – DCT provided the services of a specialist cultural advisor to work with the Wheelblacks team around the significance of the HAKA, and what it means to each individual to be a part of the NZ representative side. The cohesion and depth of camaraderie that this brought to the team has been substantial, and all involved from Coaches, Managers, Carers and players, have advised that the two sessions held were extremely beneficial.
- Surfers Healing is an initiative originally set up in the USA – you can read the history here. https://www.surfershealing.org/
- DCT has been the main funder for the NZ event (run independently) for the last two years.
- Held at Mt Maunganui, the event is a marvellous showcase for the difference that a few dedicated people can make to individuals and communities, at a fractional cost.
- Approximately 12 volunteer world class surfers (who come from Hawaii and USA at their own expense) volunteer their time to take 50-60 children with autism surfing, with many others helping both on the beach and in the water. DCT provides accom, food and logistics for the event, for a cost of 5k.
- Other than the pure joy for the children, for whom the day is a highlight in their year, seeing families connecting on the beach with other families facing similar challenges, and then continuing those connections outside of the day, once again provides so much more to a community than just the physical or monetary support.